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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898
The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898
Dr. Govinda Prasad Bhandari

Dr. Govinda Prasad Bhandari

Associate Professor


Email - govind@kazirangauniversity.in

Academic Qualification


Career Highlights & Awards:

  • Received National Merit Scholarship in Post Graduate Studies
  • Papers presented in various National Seminars and also have several publications.
  • Worked as a Guest Faculty in the dept. of RDAP, NEHU.
  • Attended UGC sponsored Faculty Orientation Course and Faculty Development Programme in ICFAI and several other Meritorious Institutions.

Publication and Books

Book Published

Publications in Edited Books

  1. Bhandari G.P and Ahmed J.U (2012). Performance of Regional Rural Banks: A Case of Meghalaya Rural Bank. In Kamal Singha & M.Amarjit Singh (Eds.), Identity Politics and Economic Development in North East India. (pp 149-165). New Delhi: Concept Publication Pvt. Ltd. (ISBN-13: 978-93-5125-040-1).
  2. G.P (2010). The Study of Mid-Day Meal Programme and Its Impact on Literacy in Tura Region of West Garo Hills. In Dr. Jayanal Uddin Ahmed (ed.), Development Scenario of North- East India, (pp.294-301). Guwahati (Assam): DVS Publishers. (ISBN: 978-81-86307-25-0).
  3. Bhandari, G.P (2010). A Study on Microfinance in West Garo Hills District of Meghalaya. In J.U.Ahmed, D.Bhagat & G.Singaiah (Eds.), Micro Finance in India: Issues and Challenges, (pp.295-304). Guwahati (Assam): DVS Publishers. (ISBN: 978-81-86307-34-2)
  4. G.P and Saha.S (2008). School-Dropout Female Students in Garo Hills of Meghalaya: A Study of Resubelpara Block. In L.S. Gassah(ed.), Women Empowerment Movement in North- East India, (pp.101-117). New Delhi: OMSONS Publication. (ISBN: 81-7117-231-8).
  5. H.N and Bhandari. G.P (2006). Women in Changing Power Structure in the Traditional Society of Garo Hill. In Ashok Kumar & Rajendra Prasad Athparia (Eds.), Women and Changing Power Structure in North-East India.(pp. 145-152). New Delhi: OM Publications. (ISBN: 81-86867-89-9).
  6. G.P and Basu. A (2023). An Evaluation on the Working of Regional Rural Banks in India. In Philip Kotler, Subhadip Roy, Satyajit Chakrabarti, Dipak Saha, Rabin Mazumder(Eds.), Perspectives in Marketing, Innovation and Strategy, Routledge India,  2023.

Journal Publications

Title of the paper, with Journal’s name, Year of publication, Vol. No., Page Nos., etc.


1.      Farm & NonFarm Sectors Recovery Scenario in the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank Vinimaya 2014, XXXV (3), 34

0970- 8456

2.      A Comparative Study on the Assam Grameen Vikas Bank & the Meghalaya Rural Bank of North-East India, The NEF Journal of Commerce and Management, 2015, 5 (1) 1-14


3.      Public Sector Banks and Foreign Banks in India: A Comparative Analysis MAIMT-Journal of IT & Management 2016, 9 &2, 48-58


4.      Scheduled Commercial Banks in India and its Rural Appearance, MAIMT-Journal of IT & Management, 2014, 7 & 2, 9-17


5.      Profitability of Regional Rural Banks in India: An Empirical Analysis of Meghalaya Rural Bank, Journal of Rural and Industrial Development, 2013, 1 (1) 1-15

2321- 1873

6.      Region-wise Working of the Regional Rural Banks (RRBS) in India, Journal of Rural and Industrial Development, 2019, 7 (1) 1-11

2321- 1873

7.      Productivity Analysis of the Public Sector Banks and the Regional Rural Banks in India, The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise 2014, 37 (3 & 4)


8.      A Study on the Regional Rural Banking of the North-East Region of India, Journal of Management & Development Research, 2017, 4 & 1, 71- 77


9.      Productivity Analysis of Regional Rural Banks: A case Analysis of Meghalaya Rural Bank International Journal of Business Management Economic and Information Technology, 2012, 4 & 2, 167- 178,

0975- 296X

10.  Regional Rural Banks in India: Analysis of Growth, Deposit and Credit Channelization International Journal of Applied Management Research 2014 2 & 1, 73- 82.


11.  Operational Scenario of Commercial Banks in North East India and Rest of India, Indira Management Review, 2015, 9 & 2 22- 34

0974- 3928

12.  Study on Recovery Performance and NPAs of Regional Rural Banks, Indira Management Review 2014, 8 & 2, 54- 60 0974- 3928

0974- 3928

13.   Socio -Economic Condition of the People in the selected villages under the Moharamukh Block and the interventional Approach of NEADS(An NGO) For Sustainable Livelihoods of the People, EJCM ,2020 7 &8 .


14.   Regional Rural Banks in India: A study on the Operation of the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank,  Anvesha Journal of Management, 2016, 9 & 1 48- 59.


15.   An Analytical Study on Loan Recovery and Asset Quality of Meghalaya Rural Bank, Anvesha Journal of Management 2014 7 & 3 1-10


16.   Public and Private Sectors Bank in India: A Comparative Analysis Al-Barkaat Journal of Finance and Management, 2015, 7 & 1,  20- 30

0974- 7281

17.   Profitability Analysis of the Regional Rural Banks in India: An Evidence from the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research 2021, 13 (9), 441

0022- 1945

18.   Regional Rural Banks In India- A Study On The Recovery Scenario of the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank, International Journal of Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2017, 5 & 4, 47- 52

2322- 0899

19.   A Comparative study on the Scheduled Commercial Banks in Meghalaya & India, Review of Professional Management, 2017 15& 2, 17- 25


20.   A Study on the Banking Sector Scenario of the North-East Region of India, Anveshak, 2018, 7 & 1, 9-21


21.   Regional Rural Banks in India: A Comparison of the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank and the Meghalaya Rural Bank, Anusandhan 2017 VI & XII 94 - 98

2278- 418

22.   A Study on the distribution of Male & Female Employees in the Scheduled Commercial Banks of India Anusandhan 2019 VIII &XV 1715- 1720

2278- 4187

23.   A Review of Financial Performamance of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) of India and the Policy Initiatives in Recent Times, South India Journal of Social Science, Vol- XXI, No- 1, 2023



Seminar & Conference Details






Title of the Invited Lecture/Paper presented



Title of Conference/ Seminar etc.



Organised by



Date of Presenta- tion

Level: International (Abroad)/ International (within India)/ National/State



New Economic Policy and the State like Meghalaya in the N. E Region

National Seminar on North-East India in the context of New Economic Policy





Role of Women in the Tribal Garo Society of Meghalaya

Issues of Female Emancipation, Education and Social Development in the context of North-East India





An Analysis on the Non-Performing Assets of the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank

National Seminar on the New Paradigms of Commerce and ManagementOpportunities and Challenges, Conducted by the School of Business,

 Assam Kaziranga University




Human Resource Development in Assam

Resource, Population, and Development: Local and Regional Perspective

Dept. of Geography, Bikali College and the Dept. of Geography Guwahati University




Variation in the Demographic Identity of Population in the Tribal-State of Meghalaya

National Seminar on tribes and Transition in India-Highlighting India's North-East

School of Social Sciences, the Assam Kaziranga University




An Exploratory Study on the Financial Inclusion by the Scheduled Commercial Banks in India- A Comparative Analysis at the State of Assam and at the National Level

National Seminar on Social Exclusion and Challenges of Inclusion in India

School of Social Sciences, the Assam Kaziranga University




Importance of Cultural Factors to the Business Managers

ICSSR Sponsored two day National Seminar on " The Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Management Education

 ICFAI University, Dimapur,Nagaland




Performance Picture of the Scheduled Commercial Banks at the National & the Regional Level

3rd National Conference of North- East India Commerce and Management Association on Emerging Trends in Commerce and Management

Department of Commerce, J.B College, Jorhat , Assam




Analysis on the Rural Credit Picture of the Scheduled Commercial Banks in the State of Assam & in the Country

International Seminar on Managerial Practices for Development

The Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of CoOperative Management, Sivsagar in Collaboration With ONGC Limited


International (within country)


Entrepreneurship on Tourism In the North -East, and challenges

International e-Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) on 'Tourism Entrepreneurship)

School of Business, The Assam Kaziranga University


International (within country)


Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurship Development

eMorigaon College & the School of Business, Assam Kaziranga University




Indifference Curve


Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC),




Covid-19 and Dealing with the Entrepreneurship Development in North- East India”

Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship jointly Conducted by the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) Ahmedabad and Kaziranga University from 27th Oct to 7th Nov 2020.

Institute of India (EDII) Ahmedabad and Kaziranga University




COVID 19 Challenges & the Effective Measures for the North-East Economy”

Post-COVID 19 Paradigm-Opportunities & Challenges Conducted by the School of Business, The Assam Kaziranga University

 School of Business, The Assam Kaziranga University




An Evaluation On the Working of the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in India

International Conference on Innovative Research Practices in Social Sciences-2021

Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkota, West Bengal

10-12th Dec, 2021

International (within country)

Selected Awards and Honors

  1. Provided the best faculty award by the Assam Kaziranga University in 2016.
  2. Received national merit scholarship for post graduate studies.
  3. 1st Class 1st Position in the Bachelor of Arts examination (in Economics) under the Dibrugarh University.
  4. Provided the Merit Certificate by the Deputy Commissioner Office on the Republic Day Ceremony for the best performance in Economics in B.A examination from the North Lakhimpur College under the Dibrugarh University which having more than 96 affilated Colleges.
  5. Served as member in various capacities like invited member in Academic Council of the University, curriculum designing committee, anti- ragging cell etc. under the Kaziranga University.

Faculty Development Programme Attended

  1. Participated in the UGC Sponsored Faculty Orientation Programme from for one month in Deen Dayal University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.
  2. Participated in the one week Faculty Development Programme in the Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst of India University, Tripura.
  3. Participated in one day or two days faculty development Programme in various institutes.

Teaching Experience

  1. The Assam Kaziranga University, 2012- till now. Associate Professor, Designed & Taught Economics related course.\
  2. Royal Business School (Royal Group of Institution, Guwahati), 2011-12 Assistant Professor in Economics and taught economics related course.
  3. ICFAI University Meghalaya, 2008-11 Faculty Associate, Taught Economics & Banking Papers. While in ICFAI University also served as visiting faculty to the department of RDAP in the North Eastern Hill University. Also taught Economics in IGNOU Centres.
  4. Don-Bosco College, Tura (Meghalaya), 2006-08 Lecture in the Department of Economics and taught Major Papers in Economics
  5. Mendipathar College, East Garo Hills (Meghalaya), 2002-05 Lecture in the Department of Economics and taught Major Papers in Economics

          Part Time Lecturer in the Department of Economics and taught Major Papers in Economics

Other Experiences:

In the Assam Kaziranga University along with teaching also given the additional responsibility of Deputy Controller of Examination from 16th August 2013 and promoted to Controller of Examination on 22nd March 2014 and continued as the Controller of Examination till 5th January, 2019.