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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

School of Pharmacy

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Indian Pharmaceutical industry stands third worldwide for production and it contributes 2% to national GDP as per RBI bulletin June 2021. It has been largely unaffected by the pandemic and 2008 economic recession so it rightly fits the statement of our beloved Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi that, “India is the pharmacy of the world”. If Information technology (IT) has brought recognition to India on the world stage then the Pharmacy industry has made all of us proud during the pandemic by being a frontrunner in vaccine and medicine production in the world.

The Indian Pharmaceutical industry is fast growing and with it, the opportunity to be part of this growth story. We at the Assam Kaziranga University are creating heroes for this success story by offering degrees and diplomas in pharmacy. Here we train the individuals in understanding drug discovery, development, manufacturing and distribution.

Upon completion of the course one can be an entrepreneur,researcher, academician, marketing executive, manufacturer, drug inspector,health care worker etc. There are wide opportunities available in public and private space in India & abroad. Looking at the jobs for future, pharmacy

is a safe bet as we live in the shadow of outbreak of new infection, diseases and there is an expectation of longer life with good health among the general public which can be fulfilled only by good medication and health care.

With online marketing where medicine is just one click away and its reach into the remotest part of earth and greater awareness of benefits of medicine among the public, the field of pharmacy is expanding like never before and the market is burgeoning with it the role of pharmacist  becoming more diverse as community pharmacist or in drug information center and he/she becomes a vital part of the trinity of healthcare i.e. physician, nurse and pharmacist to serve and heal the sick.


SOP, Kaziranga University offers UG, PG, Diploma and Doctorate programmes in diverse disciplines


Dr. Rajesh Jesudasan

Dean | rajesh@kazirangauniversity.in

Good health is the feeling of mental, physical and social well-being by any person and it not only to be free from diseases. One can afford to lose wealth but not health, which is a “must” for individual happiness and well being. We should thank the medical and technological professionals who serve, day-in and day-out, devoting themselves to the care of patients and relief from their suffering. Effective delivery of healthcare service depends largely on the nature of education, training and appropriate orientation towards community health for all categories of health personnel. As the Indian government aims for Universal Health Coverage, the lack of skilled and allied health professionals may prove to be the biggest obstruction in its path to achieve it's coveted goals. The School of Health Sciences at Kaziranga University aims at contributing to the society by fulfilling the gap of required skilled and allied healthcare professionals.

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Dr. Rajesh Jesudasan


We have drawn our faculty members from premier national & international institutions.

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Medvarsity : Medvarsity, India’s first Medical e-learning venture launched in 2000, an initiative by Apollo Hospitals Group, which is also the leader in healthcare in Asia Pacific Region, having the first JCI accredited hospital in India. The medical industry is evolving constantly and necessities that healthcare professionals always stay updated with the latest trends and technologies. Medvarsity, has the aim of making quality education accessible to healthcare professionals across specialties and experience levels. They offers a wide range of clinical and non-clinical courses that which will upgrade the skills of a healthcare professionals. Medvarsity have around 140 courses and accreditation is done by leading global Universities and 45 clinical training partners across the country & outside. This will help the students TAKU get exposure to world class organisation and will impact the healthcare ecosystem in a substantial way.

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