Ph.D (in Mathematics)from Dibrugarh University University
M.Phil (in Mathematics) from Dibrugarh University University
M.Sc (in Mathematics) from Dibrugarh University University
Worked as a part time subject teacher (Mathematics) at Sikh National High School, Gurudwara, Dibrugarh from May 2018 to Feb 2020
Worked as a part time teacher in Directorate of Open and Distance Learning , Dibrugarh University from Nov’ 2018 to January 2020.
Worked as a Subject Teacher (Mathematics) at M.G. Academy, Dibrugarh, from August, 2015 to April, 2018.
Part time teacher in Center of Distance Education, Jagannath Barooah College, Jorhat from November, 2011 to Jannuary, 2013.
Worked as a Subject Teacher (Mathematics) at Arunodoi Academy, Amguri, Sibsagar from August, 2011 to February, 2013.
Publication and Books
Referred Journals:
Manoshi Kotoky*, and Arun Kumar Baruah (2015):‘Signed graph and its balance theory in transportation problem’,International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) (IJCA), Volume 115 – No. 12, April 2015.
Manoshi Kotoky *, and Arun Kumar Baruah (2016): ‘On Edge Control Set of a Graph in Transportation Problems’,J. Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA), Volume: 08 Issue: 01 Pages: 3003-3008 (2016) ISSN: 0975-0290 3003.
Manoshi Kotoky *, and Arun Kumar Baruah (2018): ‘Shortest Path of a Doubly Weighted graph in Transportation Problems’, International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA)-9(6), 2018, 173-178, ISSN 2229 – 5046
Manoshi Kotoky *, and Arun Kumar Baruah (2019):‘The Maximum-Flow, Minimum-Cut in Transportation Problems’,International journal of mathematics and Computer Applications Research (IJMCAR), ISSN (P): 2249-6955; ISSN (E): 2249-8060, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Jun 2019, 1-6.
Book Chapters:
Manoshi Kotoky *, and Dr. Niky Baruah (2021): ‘Shortest Path of a Doubly Weighted Graph in Road Networks’,Accepted in Current Topics in Mathematics (CTM).
Paper Presented at International/National Conferences
Manoshi Kotoky *, and Arun Kumar Baruah,‘Shortest Path of a Vertex Weighted Graph in Transportation Problem’,presented at UGC Sponsored (under SAP DRS (II))NationalWorkshopon ‘Network Modelling and Graph Theory’, held at Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University during Dec 14-17, 2017.
Manoshi Kotoky *, and Arun Kumar Baruah,‘Weighted Graph Approach in Transportation Problems’, presented atInternational Conferenceon Recent Trends in Graph Theory, ICRG-2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Kranatak University, Dharwad India during July 27-29.
Manoshi Kotoky *, and Arun Kumar Baruah,‘Clique Matrix of a graph in Transportation Problems’, presented inInternational Webinaron The Role of Applied Mathematics in Present Global Crises organized by Department of Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming, Vidyasagar University, West Bangal, India during August 5-7, 2020.
Scientific Workshop/Seminar Attended
Attended DST sponsoredNational Conferenceon ‘Mathematical Biology’ organized by, Dept. of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University during 23rd-25thMay, 2013
Participated in two daysNational Workshopon “Research Paper and Project Proposal Writing” organized by Dibrugarh University Research Scholars’ Association (DURSA), Dibrugarh dyring October 24thand 25th, 2016.
Participated inNationalWorkshopon ‘Network Modelling and Graph Theory’ organized by Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University during Dec 14-17, 2017.
Participated in the Two DaysInternational Faculty Development Programon ‘Fixed Point Theory and its Applications’, organized by Department of Mathematics, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119 during 8thand 9thJuly, 2020.
Participated in the Two DaysInternational Faculty Development Programon ‘Fixed Point Theory and its Applications’, organized by Department of Mathematics, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119 during 8thand 9thAugust, 2020.
Participated in a Two-dayInternational Webinaron ‘Algebra, Analysis & Topology’ organized by Department of Mathematics, Bankura University & Bankura Mathematical Society during 13th -14th August, 2020.
Participated in the one day webinar on ‘Contemporary Trends of Scientific Research and Necessity of Regulatory Mechanism for the Safe Future of the Plane’ organized by Department of Mathematics, D.D.R. College, Chabua, in collaboration with IQAC on 21st June, 2021.