The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898
Sir No |
Title of paper |
Name of the author/s |
Department of the teacher |
Name of journal |
Year of publication |
ISSN number |
1 |
An Improved Approach Of Emotion Recognition Combining Spectral And Prosodic Features With Reference To Assamese Language", |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS |
2017 |
2394-4404 |
2 |
A New Kind of Dynamical Pattern Towards Distinction of Two Different Emotion States Through Speech Signal |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
Dline journal |
2017 |
open access - sem |
3 |
A Comparative Study of the Scheduled Commercial Banks in Meghalaya and India |
Dr. G.P. Bhandari |
Review of Professional Management |
2017-18 |
0972-8686 |
4 |
Regional Rural Banks in India: A Comparison of the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank and the Meghalaya Rural Bank |
Dr. G.P. Bhandari |
Anusandhan |
2017-18 |
2278-4187 |
5 |
Regional Rural Banks In India: A Study on the Recovery Scenario of the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank |
Dr. G.P. Bhandari |
Management |
International Journal of Research in Management & Social Sciences |
2017-18 |
2322-0899 |
6 |
Adsorption of substituted benzoic acids onto α-Al2O3 surface in mixedadsorbate mode: 2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid and 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid (trimellitic acid) |
Jyotirmoy Sarma and Sekh Mahiuddin |
Chemistry |
J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 2976–2985 (Elsevier) |
2017-18 |
2213-3437 |
7 |
Biopolymer Composites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding |
Gogoi, J.P., Borah, M. |
Physics |
Biopolymer Composites in Electronics |
2017-18 |
1229-2131 |
8 |
"Multispectral satellite color image segmentation using fuzzy based innovative approach" |
Dr. Dibya Jyoti Bora |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. |
2018 |
2456-3307 |
9 |
A New Fuzzy Rule Based Contrast Enhancement Method using the Two-Steps Automatic Clustering Algorithm" |
Dr. Dibya Jyoti Bora |
Information Techonology |
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation |
2018 |
2588-123X |
10 |
Test Data Generation in Software Testing: A Logical Review” MR |
Dr. Dibya Jyoti Bora |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLE |
2018 |
2455-4847 |
11 |
An alternate study on pattern recognition methods for speaker recognition”, , ISSN (online): 0975-5462, |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International journal of engineering science and technology (ijest) |
2018 |
0975-5462 |
12 |
A review on models speaker recognition with respect to the Assamese language |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International journal of engineering science and technology (IJEST), |
2018 |
0975-5462 |
13 |
A study: does speaker recognition using GMM is a better approach |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International journal of engineering science and technology (IJEST) |
2018 |
0975-5462 |
14 |
An Efficient Model for Effective Use of ICT Infrastructures for Better Electronic Delivery of Services for Successful Implementation of Egovernance |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) |
2018 |
0975-5462 |
15 |
Assessments of pyrolysis kinetics and mechanisms of biomass residues using thermogravimetry, |
Nabjyoti saikia et al., |
Chemistry |
Bioresource Technology Reports |
2018-19 |
ISSN: 2589-014X |
16 |
The Effect of biomass types on the co-pyrolysis behaviour of a sub-bituminous high sulphur coal, Energy |
Nabjyoti saikia et al., |
Chemistry |
Energy, Ecology and Environment |
2018-19 |
ISSN: 2363-7692 (print version) |
17 |
pH dependent leachings of some trace metals and metalloid species from lead smelter slag and their fate in natural geochemical environment, |
Nabjyoti saikia et al., |
Chemistry |
Ground Water for Sustainable Development |
2018-19 |
ISSN: 2363: 8338 (electronic version |
18 |
Use of a plant based polymeric material as a low cost chemical admixture in cement mortar and concrete preparations |
Nabjyoti saikia et al., |
Chemistry |
Journal of Building Engineering |
2018-19 |
ISSN: 2352-7102 |
19 |
In situ synthesis of a microbial fouling resistant, nanofibrillar cellulose hyperbranched epoxy composite for advanced coating applications |
J. K Sharma et al., |
Chemistry |
Progress in Organic Coatings |
2018-19 |
1260-0323 |
20 |
An Approach to Estimate the Parameters of Von Bertalanffy Growth Model, Indian Forester, 144(1), 2018, 41-53 |
M. Borah, D.J. Mahanta |
Mathematics |
Indian Forester |
2018-19 |
0019-4816 |
21 |
A Study on the Height Growth of Different Eucalyptus Species in India, 27, 2018, 1-18 |
D.J. Mahanta, P. Saikia, A. Chetia |
Mathematics |
The Journal of Analysis |
2018-19 |
2367-2501 |
22 |
Regional Rural Banks in India: A Comarison with the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank |
Dr. G.P. Bhandari |
Anusandhan |
2018-2019 |
22784187 |
23 |
Role of Women in Rural Development under ageis of NGO: A Sociological study |
Anil K Bhatia, B.N.Borthakur |
SoB |
Emerging Echos |
2018-2019 |
2230-7443 |
24 |
A Study on the Banking sector Scenario Of the North-East Region of India |
Dr. G.P. Bhandari |
Management |
Anvesak , international Journal Of Management |
2018-19 |
2278-8913 |
25 |
Effects of biomass types on the co-pyrolysis behaviour of a sub-bituminous high-sulphur coal |
Monikankana Saikia, Asadulla Asraf Ali, Ramesh Chandra Borah, Maitreyee S Bezbarua, Binoy K Saikia, Nabajyoti Saikia. |
ME |
Energy, Ecology and Environment |
2018-19 |
7574-2315 |
26 |
Assessments of pyrolysis kinetics and mechanisms of biomass residues using thermogravimetry |
Mumee Gogoi, Kaberijyoti Konwar, Nilutpal Bhuyan, Ramesh Chandra Borah, Alok Chandra Kalita, Hari Prasad Nath, Nabajyoti Saikiaa |
ME |
Bioresource Technology Reports Volume 4, December 2018, Pages 40-49 |
2018-19 |
5637-4351 |
27 |
Design of a solar organic Rankine cycle prototype for 1KW Power output |
Shilpi Pratim Dutta, R.C.Borah |
ME |
International Journal of engineering Trends and Technology,62,no.1 August 2018 ISSN: 2231-5381 |
2018-19 |
2231-5381 |
28 |
Optimization of pitch angle of small low speed horizontal axis wind turbine |
Sabir Hussain, R. C.Borah; |
ME |
Imperial International journal of Eco friendly Technologies,vol 2,Issue 2(2018)28-37 ISSN- 2457-0931 |
2018-19 |
2457-0931 |
29 |
Criticality analysis of wind turbine energy system using fuzzy digraph models and matrix method |
M.K. Loganathan ,Indrani Bezbaurah,O.P. Gandhi,R.C. Borah; |
ME |
Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World – Haugen et al. (Eds) © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-8153-8682-7 |
2018-19 |
978-0-8153-8682-7 |
30 |
Effects of specularity and particle-particle restitution coefficients on the recirculation characteristics of dispersed gas-particle flows through a sudden expansion |
Subrat Kotoky, AmareshDalal, GaneshNatarajan |
ME |
Advanced Powder Technology Volume 29, Issue 10, October 2018, Pages 2463-2475 |
2018-19 |
2463-2475 |
31 |
Parallel approach on sorting of genes in search of optimal solution |
Pranav Kumar |
Computer Science & Engineering |
Genomics |
2018-19 |
0888-7543 |
32 |
A preliminary assessment of microstructural and compositional characteristics of two variants of precarbonated and postcarbonated concrete mixes |
Shwetambara Verma, Somesh Sengupta, Srinivasan Varadharajan and Arun Kumar |
Civil Engineering |
X‐Ray Spectrometry, Wiley Journal, SCI indexed |
2018-19 |
1097-4539 |
33 |
Effect of Biomass addition on the devolatization kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of a northeast Indian low-rank sub-bituminous coal |
Kaberijyoti Konwara , Hari Prasad Natha , Nilutpal Bhuyana,, Binoy K. Saikiab , Ramesh Chandra Borahc , Alok Chandra Kalitad , Nabajyoti Saikiaa, |
ME |
Fuel |
2018-19 |
115926 |
34 |
"Speech Emotion Recognition using Non-linear Classifier-A Review", |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) |
2019 |
2278-0181 |
35 |
Region Wise working of the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in India |
Dr. G.P. Bhandari |
Journal of Rural and Industrial Development |
2019 |
2321-1873 |
36 |
A Study on the distribution of Male and female Employee in the Scheduled commercial Banks of India |
Dr. G.P. Bhandari |
Anusandhan |
2019 |
22784187 |
37 |
optimal capacitor placement using fruit fly optimization |
EE |
International Journal of computer sciences and engineering |
2019-20 |
2347-2693 |
38 |
TaoufikRohand,1,* Youssef Ramli,2 MukuleshBaruah,3 Jan Budka,4 and Archana M. Das5 |
Chemistry |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, |
2019-20 |
0091-150X/19/5302-0152 |
39 |
Effect of biomass addition on the devolatilization kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of a northeast Indian low rank sub-bituminous coal |
Nabjyoti saikia, et al., |
Chemistry |
Fuel |
2019-20 |
ISSN: 0016-2361 |
40 |
Blood flow through Arteries in presence of Transverse Magnetics field, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics |
S. Ahmed, B.K. Dutta, A. Goswami |
Mathematics |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, |
2019-20 |
0972-0502 |
41 |
Perforated Dallenbach microwave absorber based on dielectric polyaniline - Phenolic resin composite for X-band applications |
Utpal Jyoti Mahanta1,3, Nidhi Saxena Bhattacharyya2 and Jyoti Prasad Gogoi1 |
Physics |
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1330 012008 |
2019-20 |
7643-6356 |
42 |
A review on porous polymer composite materials for multifunctional electronic applications |
Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, John-John Cabibihan, Kalim Deshmukh , Solleti Goutham, Mohammad Khaleel Abubasha, Jyoti Prasad Gogoi, Igors Klemenoks, Gita Sakale, Bhogilla Satya Sekhar, P. S. Rama Sreekanth, Kalagadda Venkateswara Rao & Maris Knite |
Physics |
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials |
2019-20 |
34574-5357 |
43 |
Synthesis, optimization and applications of ZnO/polymer nanocomposites |
DeepalekshmiPonnammaaJohn-JohnCabibihanbMariappanRajancS. SundarPethaiahdKalimDeshmukheJyoti PrasadGogoifS.K. KhadheerPashagM. BasheerAhamedeJagadishKrishnegowdahB.N.ChandrashekariAnji ReddyPolujChunChengi |
Physics |
Materials Science and Engineering C, 2019, 98, pp. 1210–1240 |
2019-20 |
2247-5356 |
44 |
High-Performance Broadband Microwave Absorbers Using Multilayer Dual-Phase Dielectric Composites |
Mahanta, U.J., Borah, M., Bhattacharyya, N.S., Gogoi, J.P. |
Physics |
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2019, 48(4), pp. 2438–2448 |
2019-20 |
2234-1239 |
45 |
Design optimization and fabrication of a wideband microwave absorber based on dual-phase dielectric semi-metallic nanocomposite |
Mahanta, U.J., Bhattacharyya, N.S., Hussain, I., Gogoi, P., Gogoi, J.P. |
Physics |
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2019, 127, pp. 202–212 |
2019-20 |
2247-6425 |
46 |
Dielectric characterization and microwave absorption of expanded graphite integrated polyaniline multiphase nanocomposites in X-band |
Mahanta, U.J., Gogoi, J.P., Borah, D., Bhattacharyya, N.S. |
Physics |
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(1), pp. 194–201, 8624217 |
2019-20 |
4246-7536 |
47 |
optimization error function of back propagation neural network |
International Journal of computer sciences and engineering |
2019-20 |
2347-2693 |
48 |
Optimization of sensing time in energy detector based sensing of cognitive radio network |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research |
2019-20 |
0973-9769 |
49 |
Analysis and circuit sizing performance of a differential amplifier using HPSO algorithm |
International Journal of Nanoparticles |
2019-20 |
1753-2515 |
50 |
Genome Rearrangement Problem with Simpler Transposition Distance |
Pranav Kumar |
Computer Science & Engineering |
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS) |
2019-20 |
1943-023X |
51 |
Improvement of query-Based Text Summarization using Word Sense Disambiguation |
Nazreena Rahman |
Computer Science & Engineering |
2019-20 |
ISSN: 2199-4536 |
52 |
An adaptive color image steganography method using adjacent pixel value differencing and LSB substitution technique |
Dr. Manashee Kalita |
Computer Science & Engineering |
Cryptologia |
2019-20 |
1558-1586 |
53 |
A New Steganography Method Using Integer Wavelet Transform and Least Significant Bit Substitution |
Dr. Manashee Kalita |
Computer Science & Engineering |
2019-20 |
ISSN 1460-2067 |
54 |
Optimal Capacitor Placement using Fruit Fly Optimization |
Ashim Jyoti Gogoi, Deepjyoti Talukdar, Pranobjyoti Lahon |
Electrical Engineering |
ICSE International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2019-20 |
2347-2693 |
55 |
An Approach to PLC based Automatic Transformer Cooling System |
Pranobjyoti Lahon, Deepjyoti Talukdar, Dibyahash Sarmah |
Electrical Engineering |
Journal of Control and Instrumentation Engineering |
2019-20 |
3248709 |
56 |
Dr. Dibya Jyoti Bora |
Information Techonology |
Juni Khayat |
2020 |
2278-4632 |
57 |
Fake Product Review Monitoring and Removal using Opinion Mining |
Dr. Dibya Jyoti Bora |
Information Techonology |
Juni Khayat |
2020 |
2278-4633 |
58 |
Review on Twitter Data Sentiment Analysis" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Engingering Science and Computing |
2020 |
N 2321 3361 |
59 |
Analysis of Environmental Factors For Plant Growth" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management |
2020 |
ISSN: 2582-3930 |
60 |
Design and Analysis of a Home Automation System" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security |
2020 |
1947-5500 |
61 |
Critical Study on Expression Recognition using SVM and OpenCV" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management |
2020 |
2321-9653 |
62 |
Design and Implementation of Multi-User Secured Chat Application Using Java Socket Programming and RSA" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management |
2020 |
2582-3930 |
63 |
"Speech emotion recognition using non-linear classifier" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
Internationa lJournal of Engineering Research and Technology |
2020 |
2278-0181 |
64 |
"On the differences in prosodic features of Assamese speech based on types of emotion" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) |
2020 |
2278-3075 |
65 |
Analysis on prosodic features in Assamese emotional speech" |
Dr. Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
Information Techonology |
International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology |
2020 |
66 |
A study on Tourism Prospects in Majuli as a community-based tourism and sustainable tourism. |
Kumar. N, Gogoi. B |
NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Risk Management |
2020 |
2582-287X |
67 |
Dynamic threshold based throughput enhancement in cognitive radio network using hidden Markov model with stste prediction |
wireless personal communication |
2020-21 |
0929-6212 |
68 |
Natural Convection in a Nano-fluid filled square Enclosure |
Barbie Leena Barhoi,Ramesh Chandra Borah and sandeep Singh |
ME |
Key Engineering Materials |
2020-21 |
1662-9795 |
69 |
Automatic Billing System using RFID |
Pranav Kumar, Najmin Akhtar Barbhuiya, Yash Jain, Amarjyoti Narjary & Nilakshi Gogoi. |
Computer Science & Engineering |
Journal of Optoelectronics and Communication |
2020-21 |
70 |
A Method for Word Sense Disambiguation using Unsupervised Deep Belief Network |
Nazreena Rahman |
Computer Science & Engineering |
International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, Inderscience |
2020-21 |
3256-7425 |
71 |
Production of bio-oil from coir pith via pyrolysis: kinetics, thermodynamics, and optimization using response surface methodology, |
Nabjyoti saikia et al., |
Chemistry |
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2020-21 |
1345-7436 |
72 |
Highly stable silver nanoparticles containing guar gum modified dual network hydrogel for catalytic and biomedical applications |
Jayanta. K Sarmah et al., |
Chemistry |
Carbohydrate Polymers |
2020-21 |
4357-6468 |
73 |
A note on fuzzy soft matrices, 10(1), 157-170, 2020 |
T.J. Neog, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
J. Math. Comput. Sci. |
2020-21 |
1927-5307 |
74 |
An approach to estimate the parameters of Schnute growth model for Growthof Babul (Acacia Nilotica) Trees in India, 23(2), 403-412 |
P. Saikia, D.J. Mahanta |
Mathematics |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Taylor &Francis, 23(2), 2020, 403-412 |
2020-21 |
0972-0502 |
75 |
Fitting and forecasting mortality for Assam population by applying the Lee-Carter model, 23(2), 295-305 |
P. Saikia, D.J. Mahanta, M. Borah |
Mathematics |
Journal of Statistics & Management System, Taylor & Francis, 23(2), 2020, 295-305 |
2020-21 |
0972-0510 |
76 |
Analysis of annual rainfall amount in the areas of Assam using Schnute growth model, 19(4), 255-267 |
D.J. Mahanta, P. Saikia, R. Borah. |
Mathematics |
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Mili Publication,19(4), 2020, 301-313 |
2020-21 |
0974-6803 |
77 |
Effect of silica nanofiber dispersion on electrochemical properties of cellulose acetate composite gel electrolytes |
Sandepan Bora and M Deka |
Physics |
Materials Chemistry and Physics |
2020-21 |
0254-0584 |
78 |
Study of electrical and electrochemical properties of P(VdF-HFP)-MMT based nanocomposite gel polymer electrolytes for application in energy storage devices |
Sandeepan Bora and M Deka |
Physics |
Materials Science and Engineering B |
2020-21 |
0921-5107 |
79 |
Lane formation in driven pair-ion plasmas |
U. Sarma, Swati Baruah and R. Ganesh |
Physics |
Physics of Plasmas |
2020-21 |
1070664X, 10897674 |
80 |
-band metamaterial absorbers based on reduced graphene oxide-silicon carbide-linear low density polyethylene composite |
Pankaj Bora1, Utpal Jyoti Mahanta2, Jayanta Kumar Sarmah3 and Jyoti Prasad Gogoi |
Physics |
EPJ Appl. Metamat. 7, 8 (2020) |
2020-21 |
2345-8535 |
81 |
Design of Four Layer Microwave Absorber Based on Polyaniline-Expanded Graphite Composites: Role of Layer Interfaces in Impedance Matching |
Utpal Jyoti Mahanta, Parag Jyoti Gogoi, Munu Borah, Abdul Hakim, Karabi Gogoi and Jyoti Prasad Gogoi |
Physics |
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology |
2020-21 |
5357-7546 |
82 |
Removal of methylene blue from water using okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) mucilage modified biochar |
Nabajyoti Saikia et al. |
Chemistry |
Bioresource Technology Reports |
2020-21 |
2345-7636 |
83 |
A comprehensive study on the transition metal–catalysed pyrolysis kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanisms of bamboo powder |
Nabajyoti Saikia et al. |
Chemistry |
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2020-21 |
7535-7567 |
84 |
Assessment of kinetic parameters, mechanisms and thermodynamics of Tithonia diversifolia pyrolysis |
Nabajyoti Saikia et al. |
Chemistry |
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2020-21 |
3568-7578 |
85 |
‘'Socio-Economic Condition of The People in The Selected Villages Under the Mohramukh Block & The Interventional Approach of NEADS (An NGO) For Sustainable Livelihood of The People" |
Bhatia. A.K., Bhandari. G.P and Borthakur. B.N |
SoB |
2020-21 |
2515-8260 |
86 |
Adoption of Digital Innovations: A Special Reference to Routinised Incremental Innovations |
Dorothy Dutta, Mrinmoy K. Sarma |
SoB |
Review of Market Integration |
2020-21 |
0974-9292; Online ISSN: 0975-4709 |
87 |
Effect of external magnetic field on lane formation in driven pair-ion plasmas |
Swati Baruah, U. Sarma and R. Ganesh |
Physics |
J. Plasma Phys. (2021), vol. 87, 905870202 |
2020-21 |
00223778, 14697807 |
88 |
Lane dynamics in pair-ion plasmas: effect of obstacle and geometric aspect ratio |
Swati Baruah, Vishal K. Prajapati and R. Ganesh |
Physics |
J. Plasma Phys. (2021), vol. 87, 905870601 |
2020-21 |
00223778, 14697807 |
89 |
A Comparative Analysis of Different Classification Algorithms based on Students Academic Performance Using WEKA |
Amlan Jyoti Baruah |
Computer Science & Engineering |
International Organization of Scientific Research |
2020-21 |
2278-0661 |
90 |
Sensors In Precision Agriculture: A Survey On Application, Security And Privacy |
Sajal Saha |
Computer Science & Engineering |
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences |
2020-21 |
0974-6803 |
91 |
Assessment of mechanical properties and environmental benefits of using rice husk ash and marble dust in concrete |
Varadharajan Srinivasan; Animesh k Jaiswal ; Shwetambara Verma |
Civil Engineering |
Structures, Elsevier |
2020-21 |
389–406 |
92 |
Effect of Secondary Surface on Rectangular Vortex Generator: Numerical and Experimental Study |
Kashyap, U., Das, K., Debnath, B.K., Kashyap U, and Saha, S.K. |
Civil Engineering |
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Application |
2020-21 |
1948-5085 / 1948-5093 |
93 |
Land use Change on Storm-Water Characteristics of a Watershed in Northeast India |
Sudip Basack, Upasana Kashyap, Sanjay Bhuyan, Khairuz Zaman |
Civil Engineering |
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) |
2020-21 |
2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020 |
94 |
Comparative Analysis of SVM and ANN Classifier Based on Surface EMG signals for Elbow Movement Classification |
Ram Murat Singh, S. Chatterji, Amod Kumar and Vivek Ahlawat |
Electrical Engineering |
2020-21 |
0972-0502 |
95 |
Comparison of SVM and ANN Classifier for Surface EMG Signal in Order to Improve Classification Accuracy |
Ram Murat Singh, S. Chatterji and Amod Kumar |
Electrical Engineering |
International Journal of advanced Science and Technology |
2020-21 |
2207-6360 |
96 |
A comparative study on fractional derivatives masks for edge detection analysis, 28(1), 2021 |
T.M. Bora, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Mathematical Forum |
2020-21 |
0972-9852 |
97 |
Application of similarity of fuzzy soft sets in recruitment problem, 11(1), 832-838, 2021 |
T.J. Neog, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
J. Math. Comput. Sci. |
2020-21 |
1927-5307 |
98 |
A study on weak solutions on a class of fractional differential equation |
T. Saikia, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Mathematical Forum |
2020-21 |
0972-9852 |
99 |
Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids in Glycoscience: Opportunities and Challenges, |
Sanchayita Rajkhowa, Raju R. Kale, Jyotirmoy Sarma, Abhijeet Kumar, Prabhu P. Mohapatra and Vinod K. Tiwari |
Chemistry |
Current Organic Chemistry, Bentham science publishers |
2020-21 |
1385-2728 |
100 |
Carbohydrate-Based Surfactants: Promises, Challenges and Future Prospective |
Raju R. Kale, Nitin K. Jadhav, Sanchayita Rajkhowa, Bhausaheb B. Muntode, Vishwas B. Gaikwad, Dattatray D. Kajale, and Jyotirmoy Sarma |
Chemistry |
Trends in Carbohydrate Research, Vol.13, No.2 (2021) 50-77 |
2020-21 |
0975-0304/09 |
101 |
Oil yield and fuel property study of rubber seed oil-based biodiesel: a promising feedstock for sustainable bio-energy production |
Rishikesh Deka, Jyotirmoy Sarma and Jayanta K. Sarmah |
Chemistry |
Int. J. Renewable Energy Technology, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2021 |
2020-21 |
1757-3971 |
102 |
Data Augmentation and Deep Neuro-fuzzy Network for Student Performance Prediction with MapReduce Framework |
Amlan Jyoti Baruah , Siddhartha Baruah |
Computer Science & Engineering |
International Journal of Automation and Computing, Springer |
2021 |
ISSN 2731-538X, e-ISSN 2731-5398 |
103 |
Enhancement of images in foggy weather conditions |
Dibya Jyoti Bora |
SPAST Abstracts |
2021 |
2393-9028 |
104 |
“Scenario of the Assam Gramin Vikas Bank: A Comparative Study with the RRBS at the National Level |
Bhandari. G.P, Bhatia. A.K., |
SoB |
2021-22 |
2456-8937 |
105 |
A study on schnuth growth models in forestry |
D.J. Mahanta, P. Saikia, B. Borah, R. Borah, S.D. Baruah |
Mathematics |
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Mili Publication |
2021-22 |
0974-6803 |
106 |
Upgradation of iron ore fines and slime by selective flocculation using surface-active agent, settling study and characterization of the beneficiation waste for value addition |
Jyotirmoy Sarma, Sanchayita Rajkhowa and Sekh Mahiuddin |
Chemistry |
Journal of chemistry, Hindawi publications (accepted for publication) |
2021-22 |
2090-9063 |
107 |
Hybrid La2O3-cPVP dielectric for Organic thin film transistor applications |
Sagarika Khound |
Physics |
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology |
2021-22 |
21628777, 21628769 |
108 |
Analysis of Consecutive days’ maximum rainfall together with dry, wet spell rainfall for crop planning at Jorhat (Assam), India |
R. Bora, A. Bhuyan, B.K. Dutta, |
Mathematics |
Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 12(4), pp18, 2021. |
2021-22 |
0975-8607 |
109 |
PFCMVO: Political Fractional Competitive multi-verse Optimization enabled deep neuro fuzzy network for student performance estimation in spark enviroment |
Amlan Jyoti Baruah , Siddhartha Baruah |
Computer Science & Engineering |
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation and Scientific Computing, World Scientific Publishing |
2022 |
ISSN (print): 1793-9623 , ISSN (online): 1793-9615 |
110 |
Assessments of pyrolysis kinetics and mechanisms of biomass residues using thermogravimetry, |
MumeeGogoiaKaberijyotiKonwaraNilutpalBhuyanaRamesh ChandraBorahbAlok ChandraKalitacHari PrasadNathaNabajyotiSaikiaa |
Mechanical Engineering |
Bioresource Technology Reports |
2018-19 |
ISSN: 2589-014X |
111 |
Effect of biomass addition on the devolatilization kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of a northeast Indian low rank sub-bituminous coal |
KaberijyotiKonwaraHari PrasadNathaNilutpalBhuyana1Binoy K.SaikiabRamesh ChandraBorahcAlok ChandraKalitadNabajyotiSaikiaa |
Mechanical Engineering |
Fuel |
2019-20 |
ISSN: 0016-2361 |
112 |
The Effect of biomass types on the co-pyrolysis behaviour of a sub-bituminous high sulphur coal |
Monikankana Saikia, Asadulla Asraf Ali, Ramesh Chandra Borah, Maitreyee S Bezbarua, Binoy K Saikia & Nabajyoti Saikia |
Mechanical Engineering |
Energy, Ecology and Environment |
2018-19 |
ISSN: 2363-7692 (print version) |
113 |
Boronic acid-functionalized tungsten disulfide quantum dots as a fluorescence probe for sensitive detection of dopamine |
Rashmita Devi, Satyabrat Gogoi, Hemant Sankar Dutta, Prakash Jyoti Saikia, Ayushi Singhal, Raju Khan |
Chemistry |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X |
2022 |
25901370 |
114 |
Multiplexed biosensors for virus detection |
Mintu Pal ,Vishal Das ,H.P.Deka Boruah ,C.Chikkaputtaiah |
Advanced Biosensors for Virus Detection, Smart Diagnostics to Combat SARS-CoV-2 |
2022 |
ISBN 9780128244944 |
115 |
Stability analysis on dual solutions of MHD Casson fluid flow with thermal and chemical reaction over a permeable elongating sheet |
Debasish Dey, Rupjyoti Borah and Ardhendu Sekhar Khound |
Mathematics |
Heat Transfer |
2022 |
116 |
Analysis of Entropy Generation of Casson Fluid Flow Over a Stretching Surface with Second-Order Velocity Slip in Presence of Radiation and Chemical Reaction |
Ardhendu Sekhar Khound, Debasish Dey and Rupjyoti Borah |
Mathematics |
International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics |
2022 |
2349-5103 |
117 |
A Steady Casson Fluid Flow Past A Stretching Porous Surface In Presence Of Heat Source And Chemical Reaction |
Ardhendu Sekhar Khound, Debasish Dey and Rupjyoti Borah |
Mathematics |
Latin American Applied Research |
2022 |
0327-0793 |
118 |
Effect of silica nanofiber dispersion on electrochemical properties of cellulose acetate composite gel electrolytes |
Sandeepan Borah and M. Deka |
Physics |
Material Chemistry and Physics |
2022 |
0254-0584 |
119 |
Study of electrical and electrochemical properties of P(VdF-HFP)-MMT based nanocomposite gel polymer electrolytes for application in energy storage devices |
Sandeepan Borah and M. Deka |
Physics |
Material Science and Engineering B |
2021 |
0921-5107 |
120 |
Understanding uptake kinetics and ion dynamics in microporous polymer gel electrolytes reinforced with SiO2 nanofibers |
Sandeepan Borah, Jayanta K. Sarmah, M. Deka |
Physics |
Material Science and Engineering B |
2021 |
0921-5107 |
121 |
Nanofiber induced enhancement of electrical and electrochemical properties in polymer gel electrolytes for application in energy storage devices |
Sandeepan Borah, A.K. Guha, Lakshi Saikia, M. Deka |
Physics |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2021 |
0925-8388 |
122 |
Regional Analysis of Consecutive days’ maximum rainfall Using L-moments: A case study of Brahmaputra Valley region of Assam, India, 13(2), pp16, 2022 |
R. Bora, A. Bhuyan, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Communications in Mathematics and Applications |
2022 |
eISSN 0975-8607; pISSN 0976-5905 |
123 |
Evaluation of the effect of high sulfur subbituminous coal on the devolatilization of biomass residue by using model free, model fitting and combined kinetic methods, 310(B), 2022 |
H.P. Nath, B.K. Dutta, D. Kalita, B.K. Saikia, N. Saikia |
Mathematics |
Fuel |
2021 |
ISSN: 0016-2361 |
124 |
Analysis of Consecutive days maximum rainfall together with dry, wet spell rainfall for crop planning at Jorhat (Assam), India, 12(4), pp18, 2021. |
R. Bora, A. Bhuyan, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Communications in Mathematics and Applications |
2021 |
eISSN 0975-8607; pISSN 0976-5905 |
125 |
A Study of weak solution on a class of fractional differential equations, 28(1), 17-36, 2021. |
T. Saikia, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Mathematical Forum |
2021 |
ISSN: 0972-9852 |
126 |
A comparative study on fractional derivatives masks for edge detection analysis, 28(1), 126-144, 2021. |
T. Saikia, B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Mathematical Forum |
2021 |
ISSN: 0972-9853 |
127 |
A comprehensive study on the transition metal–catalysed pyrolysis kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanisms of bamboo powder, 2021, pp16, 2021. |
H.P. Nath, B.K. Dutta, N. Bhuyan, B.K. Saikia, N. Saikia |
Mathematics |
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2021 |
(ISSN: 2190-6815) |
128 |
An application of similarity of fuzzy soft sets in recruitment problem, 11(1), 2021, 832-838 |
T.J. Neog and B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science |
2021 |
ISSN 1927-5307 |
129 |
Assessment of kinetic parameters, mechanisms and thermodynamics of Tithonia diversifolia pyrolysis, 2021, pp16, 2021. |
N. Bhuyan, N.D. Choudhury, B.K. Dutta, K. Upadhyaya, N. Saikia, R. Kataki |
Mathematics |
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
2021 |
ISSN: 2190-6815 |
130 |
A note on fuzzy soft matrices, 10(1), 2020, 157-170. |
T.J. Neog and B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science |
2020 |
ISSN 1927-5307 |
131 |
Blood flow through arteries in presence of transverse magnetic field, 22(7), 1083-1093, 2019 |
S. Ahmed, B.K. Dutta, A.J. Goswami |
Mathematics |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics |
2019 |
pISSN: 0972-0502, eISSN: 2169-012X |
132 |
On Fuzzy Soft Relations and Similarity of Fuzzy Soft Sets, 9(4), 8-17, 2019 |
T.J. Neog and B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research |
2019 |
ISSN: 2249-6645 |
133 |
On some new operations of fuzzy soft sets, 9(1), 184-190, 2018 |
T.J. Neog and B.K. Dutta |
Mathematics |
International Journal of Mathematical Archive |
2018 |
ISSN: 2229 – 5046 |
134 |
Estimation of Microwave Absorption Properties of RGO-SiC-LLDPE Composites |
Pankaj Bora, Utpaljyoti Mahanta, Jayanta Kumar Sarmah, Jyoti Prasad Gogoi |
Physics and Chemistry |
Advanced Materials Research, |
2021 |
ISSN: 1662-8985 |
135 |
Design optimization and fabrication of a wideband microwave absorber based on dual-phase dielectric semi-metallic nanocomposite |
Utpal Jyoti Mahanta, Nidhi Saxena Bhattacharyya, Imdadul Hussain, Paragjyoti Gogoi, Jyoti Prasad Gogoi |
Physics |
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids |
2019 |
0022-3697 |
136 |
Lane formation in driven pair-ion plasmas |
U. Sarma, Swati Baruah and R. Ganesh |
Physics |
Physics of plasmas |
2020 |
1070664X, 10897674 |
137 |
Effect of external magnetic field on lane formation in driven pair-ion plasmas |
Swati Baruah and R. Ganesh |
Physics |
Journal of Plasma Physics |
2021 |
0022-3778 |
138 |
Lane dynamics in pair-ion plasmas: effect of obstacle and geometric aspect ratio |
Swati Baruah, Vishal Kumar Prajapati and R. Ganesh |
Physics |
Journal of Plasma Physics |
2021 |
0022-3778 |
139 |
Cyclodextrins: Concept to applications, regulatory issues and challenges |
Azeez Mohammad, Sumer Singh, Suryakanta Swain |
Pharmacy |
Nanomed Res J |
2020 |
2476-3489 |
140 |
Analytical QbD based systematic development of a novel RP-UHPLC method for the quantification of albuterol sulphate in its metered dose inhaler formulations |
Bikash Ranjan JENA, Siva Prasad PANDA, Umasankar KULANDAIVELU, Rajasekhar Reddy ALAVAL , G.S.N. Koteswara RAO , Suryakanta SWAIN, Debashish GHOSE, Gurudutta PATTNAIK , Debi Prasad PRADHAN |
Pharmacy |
Journal of Research in Pharmacy |
2021 |
2630-6344 |
141 |
Acyclovir Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticulate Gel for Ocular Delivery: Optimization by using Factorial Design |
Subhabrota Majumdar, Suryakanta Swain,Muddana Eswara Bhanoji Rao,Puja Chakraborty,Sabya Sachi Das |
Pharmacy |
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research |
2021 |
0019-5464 |
142 |
Quality by design prospects of pharmaceuticals application of double emulsion method for PLGA loaded nanoparticles |
Panigrahi, D., Sahu, P.K., Swain, S. et al. |
Pharmacy |
SN Appl. Sc |
2021 |
2523-3971 |
143 |
Applications of QbD-based Software’s in Analytical Research and Development |
Jena, Bikash R.; Panda, Siva Prasad; Umasankar, Kulandaivelu; Swain, Suryakanta; Koteswara Rao, Gudhanti S. N.; Damayanthi, Dalu; Ghose, Debashish; Pradhan, Debi Prasad |
Pharmacy |
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis |
2021 |
ISSN 1573-4129 (Print) |
144 |
QbD-based Formulation Optimization and Characterization of Polymeric Nanoparticles of Cinacalcet Hydrochloride with Improved Biopharmaceutical Attributes |
Debashish GHOSE1, Chinam Niranjan PATRA, Bera Varaha Venkata RAVI KUMAR, Suryakanta SWAIN, Bikash Ranjan JENA, Punam CHOUDHURY, Dipthi SHREE |
Pharmacy |
Turkish Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
2021 |
2148-6247 |
145 |
Advancement and Applications of Platelet-Inspired Nanoparticles: A Paradigm for Cancer Targeting. |
Debashish Ghose, Suryakanta Swain*, Chinam Niranjan Patra, Bikash Ranjan Jena and |
Pharmacy |
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology |
2021 |
ISSN (Print): 1389-2010 |
146 |
On the Differences in Prosodic Features of Assamese Speech Based on Types of Emotions |
Somi Kolita, Purnendu Bikash Acharjee |
IT |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE |
2020 |
ISSN: 2278-3075 |
147 |
Exploring human voice prosodic features and the interaction between the excitation signal and vocal tract for Assamese speech |
Bharadwaj S Acharjee, Purnendu Bikash |
IT |
International Journal of Speech Technology |
2022 |
13812416 |
148 |
Evaluation of the Impact of Emotion in Assamese Emotional Speech Signals Somi Kolita Research scholar, School of Computing Sciences ,The Assam Kaziranga, University, |
Bharadwaj S Acharjee, Purnendu Bikash |
IT |
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
2021 |
ISSN: 0974-5823 |
149 |
Unsupervised Extractive News Articles Summarization leveraging Statistical, Topic-Modelling and Graph-based Approaches |
Utpal Barman |
Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research |
2022 |
150 |
Detection of Unknown Insider Attack on Components of Big Data System: A Smart System Application for Big Data Cluster |
Swagata Paul, Sajal Saha, Radha Tamal Goswami |
I. J. Computer Network and Information Security |
2022 |
ISSN: 2074-9090 (Print), ISSN: 2074-9104 (Online) |
151 |
Mathematics |
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences |
2022 |
ISSN 0974-6803) |
152 |
1. Smart hydrogel with rapid self-healing and controlled release attributes for biomedical applications |
Jayanta K Sarmah, R Deka, P Boruah, AA Ali, R Dutta, P Gogoi |
Chemisry |
Smart Materials and Structures |
2022 |
0964-1726 |
153 |
Hybrid La2O3-cPVP Dielectric for Organic Thin Film Transistor Applications |
Jayanta K Sarmah, Sagarika Khound, Ranjit Sarma |
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology |
2022 |
2162-8777 |
154 |
Harikrishnan U.Chandra Kanta Gogoi |
Social Work and Sociology |
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal |
2022 |
2347-7180 |
155 |
Analysis of dry and wet weeks of rainfall by using Markov Chain - A case study at Jorhat (Assam), India, |
Rubul Bora, Abhijit Bhuyan, Biju Kumar Dutta |
Department of Mathematics |
2022 |
0252-9416 |
156 |
Regional Analysis of Consecutive days’ maximum rainfall Using L-moments: A case study of Brahmaputra Valley region of Assam, India, Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 13(2), 671-689 |
Department of Mathematics |
Communications in Mathematics and Applications |
2022 |
eISSN 0975-8607; pISSN 0976-5905 |
157 |
Employment Generation and Promotion of Rural Industries: A Study Based on Selected Micro Enterprises of Jorhat District of Assam |
Aditya Bhatta & Dr. Braja Sundar Mishra |
Social Work |
2022 |
2347-7180 |
158 |
Inherent Entrepreneurship of Mishing Women |
Aditya Bhatta & Dr. Braja Sundar Mishra |
Social Work |
2022 |
2277-7245 |
159 |
Unsupervised Extractive News Articles Summarization leveraging Statistical, Topic-Modelling and Graph-based Approaches |
Dr. Utpal Barman |
Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research |
2022 |
160 |
A Study on Schnute Growth Models in Forestry |
Mathematics |
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences |
2022 |
0974-6803 |
161 |
A Study of Mortality Models for Few Districts of Assam |
Mathematics |
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences |
2022 |
0974-6803 |
162 |
Inherent Entrepreneurship of Mishing women |
Aditya Bhatta & Dr. Braja Sundar Mishra |
Social Work |
Adivasi |
2022 |
2277-7245 |
163 |
Employment Generation and Promotion of Rural Industries: A Study Based on Selected Micro Enterprises of Jorhat district of Assam |
Aditya Bhatta & Dr. Braja Sundar Mishra |
Social Work |
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal |
2022 |
2347-7180 |
164 |
Pharmacy |
Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition |
2022 |
1673-064X |
165 |
Department of pharmacology |
Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition |
2022 |
ISSN : 1673-064X |
166 |
"Saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers and associated risk management: Critical review and research directives" |
Sudip Basack, MK Loganathan, Ghritartha Goswami, Hadi Khabbaz |
Mechanical Engineering |
Journal of Coastal Research |
2022 |
0749-0208 |
167 |
Review of Risk Assessment and Mitigation Measures of Coastal Aquifers Vulnerable to Saline Water Intrusion |
Rashidul Alam, Sudip Basack, M K Loganathan, Ghritartha Goswami, Parinita Baruah |
Mechanical Engineering |
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies |
2022 |
1230-1485 |
168 |
"Correction: Singh et al. An Experimental Investigation on the Material Removal Rate and Surface Roughness of a Hybrid Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite (Al6061/SiC/Gr). Metals" |
Mandeep Singh, Harish Kumar Garg, Sthitapragyan Maharana, Anchal Yadav, Rasmeet Singh, Pragyansu Maharana, Tien VT Nguyen, Sudesh Yadav, MK Loganathan |
Mechanical Engineering |
Metals |
2022 |
2075-4701 |
169 |
Modernism, Memory and Time: A Reading of Louis MacNeice’s ‘Prayer Before Birth’, ‘The Sunlight on the Garden’ and ‘Star-gazer’ |
Saurabhi Sarmah |
English, Social Sciences |
ournal of English Studies, Dibrugarh University ( DUJES, VOL.30|2022). |
2022 |
ISSN 0975-5659 for Print and ISSN 2581-7833 for the Web Version |
170 |
Issues and Challenges of Child Rearing in an Urban Marginalized Community |
Saurabhi Sarmah, Sampurna Dutta |
English |
International Research Journal of Social Sciences |
2022 |
ISSN 2319–3565) |
171 |
The Impact of Novel CoronaVirus Pandemic on Livelihood of an Urban Marginalized Community in Assam, India |
Saurabhi Sarmah, Sampurna Dutta |
English |
South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
2022 |
(ISSN 2664-4002 (Print), ISSN 2664-6714 (Online). |
172 |
Recent developments in Cancer Therapy: A brief journey during the last 12 years |
Suryakanta Swain., Sailendra Mahanta |
Pharmacology |
Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology |
2022 |
2393-9087 |
173 |
Boronic acid-functionalized tungsten disulfide quantum dots as a fluorescence probe for sensitive detection of dopamine |
Rashmita Devi, Satyabrat Gogoi, Hemant Sankar Dutta, Prakash Jyoti Saikia, Ayushi Singhal, Raju Khan |
Chemistry |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X |
2022 | |
174 |
A Comparative Study and Impact Analysis of Different Oversampling Techniques for CIP |
Dibya Jyoti Bora, Avinash Navlani, Ankit Mohari |
Information Technology |
ECS Transactions |
2022 |
107 4261 |
175 |
IoT Data Analysis Using Different Clustering Algorithms: A Survey |
Prabhat Das, Dibya Jyoti Bora |
Information Technology |
ECS Transactions |
2022 |
1938-6737 |
176 |
A Comparative Study and Impact Analysis of Different Oversampling Techniques for CIP |
Dibya Jyoti Bora, Avinash Navlani, Ankit Mohari |
Information Technology |
ECS Transactions |
2022 |
1938-6737 |