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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898
The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898


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  • Silence and strict discipline should be maintained in the library. Every one shall ensure that no reader should feel disturbed in their study by any act of his/her.
  • Books, journals, etc. taken from the shelves for reading should be left on the tables after use and 'not' to be replaced on the shelves.
  • The Library staff on duty has the right to request a user to leave the premises if he/she is found to be violating any of the Library rules.
  • Chairs and tables and other library equipments, fittings and furniture may not be marked, defaced, disarranged. Users should not place their feet on chairs or tables.
  • The Smart Card will be regarded as the Library Membership Card also.
  • Library member has to keep his/her Library Membership Card (Smart Card) with utmost care. 
    Loss or damage of Library Membership Card is an offence. Loss of this card must be reported in writing to the issuing authority immediately.


  • Teaching staff can issue five books at a time for 30 days and non-teaching staff and Students can issue two books at a time for 15 days.
  • Books can be reissued once on / before the due date for the next defined issue period for the respective category.
  • Books not returned within / on the due date will be charged Rs. 10.00 per day per book.
  • The auto-generated e-mail alerts for 'Check-in', 'Checkouts', 'Advance Notice of Item-due' and 'Item Overdue' are sent to the borrowers.
  • All borrowers must settle overdue loans before they are permitted to borrow again.
  • Members proceeding on long leave or on deputation etc. exceeding three months should return the documents those are borrowed.
  • Certain documents are intended to be used only in the library premises. These include reference books, periodicals, newspapers etc.
  • Books lost or mutilated (tearing of pages, underlining, making notes, damaging of binding and the like) by any Library Member will have to be replaced the same copy with latest edition (HB or PB) by himself/ herself. Failing to replace the book will cost three times of the actual price of the lost book. If the damaged document belongs to a set, then the user is responsible for the entire set. Refunds will no longer be given when lost and paid materials are found and returned.
  • No document shall be returned on the day of issue.
  • While leaving the library, user should ensure that they carry only those books that are duly issued on their names, otherwise disciplinary action will be taken against them.
  • During power/system failure the circulation counter services will be suspended.
  • When Books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the Library in-charge before leaving the Counter. On returning the books, if pages are found missing, then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.
  • Borrowing privileges may be suspended or revoked by the Library in-charge for violation of existing rules and regulations.
  • In case any member leaves the University for any reason he/she has to take Library Clearance Certificate by clearing all dues during his/her period of service/study, without which he/she will not be allowed to leave the University at any cost.
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