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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

Enhance your skills with free Coursera online courses

Enhance your skills with free Coursera online courses

With the outbreak of the worldwide Pandemic of COVID 19, it becomes a challenge for the university to continue with academic activities. The Assam Kaziranga University, who served as a torch-bearer of the technology-enhanced education system, not only in north-east but also across India started using Google Classroom, Zoom online and YouTube live as alternated /additional medium for uninterrupted teaching-learning. KU has also created a virtual platform in AWS Cloud to conduct IT-based lab assignments. Now Kaziranga University tied up with Coursera to provide online certification of professional courses. As a part of the collaboration, Coursera has approved 500 students and faculty subscription licenses for 6 months in Phase 1 (typical Coursera subscription fee in India is 1449/- per month). Coursera has provided a customized portal for Kaziranga University which can be accessed at


Now students and faculty members can access both audit and credit courses with certifications free of cost. Coursera contains 3500 courses launched by top universities of the world on various subjects ranging from Science, Engineering, Technology, Management, Social Science and Humanities. Interested students and faculty members of KU (Limited to 500 numbers) can take advantage of accessing the advanced courses and get themselves certified during the home isolation period.