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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

Internship Program Carried out by KU Students

Internship Program Carried out by KU Students

  1. Sunita Barman ,Basic participle physics simulation using MAD graph, Int. MSc students Summer internship June 12-20 July IITG, 2019
  2. Dhurbajyoti Bhattacharyya, Scattering of particles , Int. MSc students ,, Summer internship June 12-20 July IITG, 2019
  3. Ridip Deka "Fabrication of perovskite solar cells and its photovoltaic studies" during June – August 2017 as a Summer Research Fellow under the supervision of Dr. Vinay Gupta, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. [The Focus Area Sciences Technology Summer Fellowship (FAST – SF) is jointly sponsored by IASc (Bengaluru), INSA (New Delhi) and NASI (Allahabad)], 2017
  4. Abdul Shabir got selected for internship at Center for Reliability Sciences and Technologies, Chang Gung UniversityTaiwan, 2019
  5. Prasuryya Bora received Focus Area Science Technology Summer Fellowship 2019 & got opportunity to perform project work with Dr. Sunil Kumar of IIT Indore,, duration of internship : June to August 2019
  6. Pranjal Dutta performed summer internship in CPP-IPR, Sonapur, Guwahati, duration: June to July 2019
  7. Abdul Shabir received Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI) Fellowship for undergraduate students for a duration of three months starting from Dec. to March in 2018, under this fellowship he got opportunity to perform research work in Institute of plasma Research, Ahmedabad.
  8. Partha Barua received Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI) Fellowship for undergraduate students for a duration of three months starting from Dec. to March in 2017, under this fellowship he got opportunity to perform research work in Institute of plasma Research, Ahmedabad.