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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

MOU Signed with Bahona College

MOU Signed with Bahona College

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 27th Nov 2021 between The Assam Kaziranga University, Koraikhowa, Jorhat and Bahona College, Jorhat, at the Kaziranga University campus. The objectives of this partnership is to initiate collaborative research works, to share the Intellectual Property rights (IPR) arising from the project/collaborative research works and jointly explore opportunities for skill development.
Dr. Shanta Saikia, Vice-Principal and Dr. Sangeeta Das, Coordinator Institutional Biotech-Hub, Bahona College visited the campus for the MoU signing ceremony. The Mou was signed in presence of Honorable Vice-Chancellor and Registrar, The Assam kaziranga University. 

With this partnership, both institutions look forward to creating a better future for our students.