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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

Strom path organised by IIC KU

Strom path organised by IIC KU

IIC Ku has organized 12 hours Hackathon event named STORM PATH KU (internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackathon 2020) on 7th February 2020. The idea behind the Hackathon is to explore the talent of the student in the context of on the problem solving skill and out of box thinking capability. The Hackathon event continued from 9am to 9pm. The program was inaugurated by the Registrars and Dean of different schools. . In this Hackathon participants get 12 hours of time to try to make application/design from the ground up. The particiapnts have given their idea pitch presentation in the morning. The Judges have suggested modification and enhancements during the idea pitching session. Students have been given 7 hours of time to resolve those issues followed by final presentation and demonstrations of their idea prototype. The students have shown their talent in delivering the output as per judge's requirements. The top 7 teams are nominated for SIH 2020 from Kaziranga University. The winner of the Hackathon is Team vector (led by Abhishek Dogra, 6th sem IT)