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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

Top 10 Student Publication

Top 10 Student Publication

Research Work

Topic: In situ synthesis of a microbial fouling resistant, nanofibrillar cellulose hyperbranched epoxy composite for advanced coating applications

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.porgcoat.2018.04.025 Impact Factor: 3.420

Student Name: Ms. Banashree Gogoi M. Sc. (Chemistry), School of Basic Sciences, Kaziranga University.

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, USA

Topic: pH dependent leachings of some trace metals and metalloid species from lead smelter slag and their fate in natural geochemical environment

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2018.01.009 Impact Factor: 1.076

Student Name: Ms. Rashmi Rekha Borah, M. Sc. (Chemistry), School of Basic Sciences, Kaziranga University.

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, South Korea

Topic: Effect of biomass addition on the devolatilization kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of a northeast Indian low rank sub-bituminous coal

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.115926 Impact Factor: 5.128

Student Name: Ms. Kaberijyoti Konwar M. Sc. (Chemistry), School of Basic Sciences, Kaziranga University.

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, Dibrugarh University

Topic: Assessments of pyrolysis kinetics and mechanisms of biomass residues using thermogravimetry

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2018.08.016 Included in the list of “Most Downloaded Papers” in 2018-2019.

Student Name: Ms. Mumee Gogoi, M.Sc. (Chemistry) 2017 Mr.Nilutpal Bhuyan, M. Sc. (Chemistry), School of Basic Sciences, Kaziranga University.

Present Position: Guest faculty, Dibru College, Dibrugarh. Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Energy, Tezpur University.

Topic: Effects of biomass types on the co-pyrolysis behaviour of a subbituminous high-sulphur coal

Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40974-018-0097-8

Student Name: Ms. Monikankana Saikia, M.Sc. (Chemistry) 2017. Md. A. A. Ali. M.Sc. (Chemistry), School of Basic Sciences, Kaziranga University.

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, Polymer, Petroleum and Coal Chemistry Group, MS&T Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Tezpur University.

Topic: Effect of biomass addition on the devolatilization kinetics, mechanisms and thermodynamics of a northeast Indian low rank sub-bituminous coal

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.115926 Impact Factor: 5.128

Student Name: Ms. Kaberijyoti Konwar, M. Sc. (Chemistry), 2017

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, Dibrugarh University Researcher, Upper Assam Advisory Centre, Tea Research Association, Dikom, Dibrugarh

Topic: Use of a plant based polymeric material as a low cost chemical admixture in cement mortar and concrete preparations

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2017.11.017 Impact Factor: 2.378

Student Name: Ms. Amrita Hazarika B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) Mr. Indranuj Hazarika B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) 2016

Present Position: Ms. Amrita: M.Tech. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands. Mr. Indranuj Hazirika: M.Tech Student, NICMAR, GOA.

Topic: Assessments of pyrolysis kinetics and mechanisms of biomass residues using thermogravimetry

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2018.08.016 Included in the list of “Most Downloaded Papers” in 2018-2019.

Student Name: Ms. Mumee Gogoi, M.Sc. (Chemistry) 2017 Mr.Nilutpal Bhuyan, M. Sc. (Chemistry) 2016

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Energy, Tezpur University.

Topic: Effects of biomass types on the co-pyrolysis behaviour of a sub-bituminous high-sulphur coal

Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40974-018-0097-8

Student Name: Ms. Monikankana Saikia, M.Sc. (Chemistry) 2017. Md. A. A. Ali. M.Sc. (Chemistry) 2017

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, Polymer, Petroleum and Coal Chemistry Group, MS&T Division, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Tezpur University.

Topic: pH dependent leachings of some trace metals and metalloid species from lead smelter slag and their fate in natural geochemical environment

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2018.01.009

Student Name: Ms. Rashmi Rekha Borah, M. Sc. (Chemistry) 2017

Present Position: Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, South Korea