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FDP on Bibliography and Bibliometric analysis using Mendeley

FDP on Bibliography and Bibliometric analysis using Mendeley

Program name: FDP on Bibliography and Bibliometric analysis using Mendeley

Program Date:17.03.2023(Friday)

Program Location:Seminar Hall, School of Business

Organized By:School of Business, The Assam Kaziranga University


  • The workshop was organised by the School of Business under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Manvinder Singh Pahwa (Professor & Dean, SOB) to provide hands-on experience on how to use Bibliography and Bibliometric analysis using Mendeley. Bibliometric analysis is a scientific computer-assisted review methodology that can identify core research or authors, by covering all the publications related to a given topic or field.
  • Organising Members from School of Business include- Dr. Manvinder Singh Pahwa, Dean School of Business (Program Director) Priyam Jajodia and Nabneet Kaur Reehal (Program Coordinator), Ankita Ghosh (Student Coordinator), Anurag Gupta (Student Coordinator) and Ram Prajapat (student Coordianator)
  • The program was inaugurated by Dr. Manvinder Singh Pahwa (Professor and Dean, SOB) in a lamp lighting ceremony along with the Deans and members of various other schools in the University. The resource person for the aforesaid program was Dr. Manvinder Singh Pahwa who shared his valuable knowledge with all the participants.
  • This workshop has been very beneficial for all the participants comprising of Faculty members, research scholars and MBA students as they understood and learned to use these research tools which is going to helpful in increasing their speed of writing and publishing research papers.
  • The Workshop was organised to encourage the faculty members, research scholars as well as the students to take up more research activities and get more publications.