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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

SPIC MACAY Founder Padmashri Dr Kiran Seth visits Assam Kaziranga University

SPIC MACAY Founder Padmashri Dr Kiran Seth visits Assam Kaziranga University

SPIC MACAY Founder Padmashri Dr Kiran Seth visits Assam Kaziranga University

Date – 21st February, 2024.

SPIC MACAY founder and Padmashri award winner Dr Kiran Seth visited the Assam Kaziranga University on 21st February to interact with the students of various schools of the university. During his stay in the university, Dr Seth had two interactive sessions on “Indigenous Knowledge System’ and “Operation Research”. In his session on “Indigenous Knowledge System" which was attended by the students of the entire university, Dr Seth enlightened the students about our indigenous knowledge system and the need for its practical utility in the current context. The next session on “Operation Research'' was particularly beneficial for the students of MBA and Engineering of the university.  Dr PK Mishra, Vice Chancellor, Assam Kaziranga University has played a vital role in building this collaborative relationship SPIC MACAY. The Kaziranga university management has already initiative discussions about its future collaborative activities with SPIC MACAY. With an aim to enrich the quality of life and education, Dr Seth has been cycling around the country to spread his message and encourage the young minds to imbibe the values embedded in our rich and heterogeneous culture.