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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

Two edited volumes published by school of social sciences

Two edited volumes published by school of social sciences

The School of Social Sciences has published two edited volumes namely ‘Inclusive & Sustainable Development for Self Reliant India’ and ‘Role Government, NGOs in Inclusive and Sustainable Development’. Both the volumes are a compilation of the selected research papers presented by renowned academicians, researcher scholars, representatives of Civil Society Organizations/NGOs and students of the university in the recently held National Conference on Inclusive and Sustainable Development for Self-reliant India at the university in collaboration with ICSSR and ONGC. Both the books are edited by Dr Aditya Bhatta, Associate Dean and HOD, School of Social Sciences and published by Central Library, The Assam Kaziranga University. The volumes containing researched articles on different aspects pertaining to sustainable development and India shall definitely be of quite useful as reference books for the existing and upcoming researchers and students engaged in the field of social sciences.