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The Assam Kaziranga University | Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

The Assam Kaziranga University
Admission Helpline Number : 18005725898

World Sight Day for the year 2022 has been celebrated on 13th October, 2022

World Sight Day for the year 2022 has been celebrated on 13th October, 2022

World Sight Day, 2022

Event Name: World Sight Day for the year 2022

Event Date: 13th October 2022 and 14th October, 2022

Event Location: 150 No. Bhakatpamua L P School and SET Seminar

Organized By: Department of Optometry, School of Health Science in collaboration with Community Club

World Sight Day for the year 2022 has been celebrated on 13th October, 2022 Worldwide with the theme “Love Your Eyes”. Department of Optometry, School of Health Science, The Assam Kaziranga University also celebrated with a two-day program

During the two-days, The Department of Optometry students has showcased their talents with innovative model presentation, poster making and also skit performances to create awareness among the public.

During the two-days program, Organized and performed by the Optometry Department, SHS, KU

  1. The event has started on 13th October, 2022 with an Eye Camp conducted in school along with the collaboration of Community Club, KU. The Eye Camp has been conducted to screen vision, diagnose any binocular vision and colour vision abnormalities and assessment of power. The event was marked a successful one where students from Optometry Department 3rd and 5th Semester along with the faculties of department has screened around 100 students on the very said day
  2. A valedictory program was organised on 14th October, 2022. The Chief Guest of the program was Ms. Priyanka Borah, CEO of Zublee Foundation, where Honourable Registrar of The Assam Kaziranga University alongwith Dean School of Health Science and the Deans of various Schools of The Assam Kaziranga University and faculty and students of all the departments of School of Health Sciences were present on the auspicious occasion.
  3. During this occasion on 14th October,2022 a Guest Lecture was organized on the topic “ Be a Champion, be a Donor” , The lecture was delivered by Ms. Priyanka Borah , CEO , Zublee Foundation where it was emphasized on the importance of donating organs and how it can change one’s life through organ donation
  4. A skit competition was organised along with poster and innovative model making competition on the theme “Love Your Eyes” where the young talents of the Optometry Students has showcased their innovative ideas
  5. Towards the end of the programme, the Dean of School of Health Science has distributed the prizes to the winners for various events organized by the Optometry Department